Welcome to the HOME of the Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory
+ Resources & Support Groups
The City of Knoxville TN
Knoxville TN is a metropolitan city with a small-town feel. In the 25 years I've lived here I've seen the lgbtq friendly organizations and businesses grow exponentially. I began building this website in 2021. I've Shop where you feel comfortable, find the information you need, when you need it, without membership fees or any gate keeping. I give you my best effort at building a website with all that you need to lead a happy life.
~Beau Knowles LGBT Website Creator
Learn about this city and the surrounding towns. Find Knoxville Events, Parks and Hiking Trails on our REALTOR PAGE
The Knoxville LGBTQ FRIeNDLY Business Directory
Our Pride Festivals
Knox News Youtube video Knoxville Pride 2019
So kno pride * knox pride * blount pride
Knoxville has 2 Pride Festivals each year. SoKno Pride in the Summer & Knox Pride Festival in the Fall. We have a neighboring Festival in Blount County.
SoKno Pride Fest is 4 years old. It is a street festival in South Knoxville on Sevier Ave. It is held each Summer.
Knox Pride Fest is a 3 day Festival consisting of a Parade, Festival with Performances and a Vendor Market. It is held in the Fall.
Article Pride 2024 Festivals Across the Southern United States Pride Festivals in East and Middle Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky. Including some 1st Annual Festivals in smaller communities. I created this list for my businesses and followers. Enjoy. Beau Knowles Knox LGBT Businesses
LGBTQ News of Knoxville & East Tennessee
LGBTQ Friendly Businesses Are Hiring
Is your LGBTQ Friendly company hiring? LGBTQ employees want to feel accepted and supported in their jobs. Email us with job description and contact information.
Beau Knowles Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory Knoxlgbtbusinesses@gmail.com
KNOX PRIDE CENTER OPENS THRIFTIQUE CONCEPT STORE Youtube Video from WBIR News station on the Knox Pride Community and Resource Center has opening the Knox Pride Thriftique. "You can shop for free or pay to help cover the cost of the center. All are welcome!!!" Knox Pride Thriftique 4044A Chapman Hwy, Knoxville, TN
KNOXVILLE'S LGBTQ Friendly and supportive spirtual organizations
Appalachian Equality chorus
KNOXVILLE'S LGBTQ Friendly Resources
What does lgbtq mean anyway?
What does LGBTQ mean? Please see the Human Right's Campaign (HRC) Glossary of Terms which I have found to be the most accurate for orientations and gender identity.
The website I have developed is for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer individuals, those that support us and those that accept us to find LGBTQ FRIENDLY Businesses and Resources in our area, but it is also an opportunity to ENLIGHTEN those that have no opinion to be ACCEPTING and those that do have a negative opinion, maybe to CHANGE IT.
All I know is that being the "Change you want to see in the world" is real and "leading by example" is important. Take care Everyone. ~Beau
Thank you for visiting Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory.
This website is part of the "Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly, Owned and Operated Businesses" Group. Our online group is 10 years old as of December 2023. We never thought we would grow to be a public domain. We can't wait to see what is next for this organization. Email Beau
Our Website Sponsors
thank you to our sponsors for their faith in this website &
it's creators efforts to share information~ Beau
Jennifer R. Egelston
Attorney at Law
Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory
Accessibility section
Click on each section to see the business Listings. There are over 500 businesses listed in this section.
LGBTQ Support and Resources
Organizing For Everyone
Need help with downsizing or organizing? Haven’t unpacked yet? Does your closet have a life of its own? Need a helping hand to run errands is essential with a busy life.
We can help. Let High 5 Solutions Knox figure it out.