Knoxville LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory


How is this website doing?


My Google Search ranking is my brag point, if you Google "lgbtq-friendly business near me" I'm coming in 3rd in Tennessee. If you're in another state Google "lgbtq friendly business directory" I'm coming in 5th Nationally. That's without any paid advertising through Google. Googling "Knoxville tn lgbtq friendly" will have my business profile come up 1st ahead of 2 longtime establishments, Knox Pride and The Core Nightclub.  I added a search bar to my website so that you can look for any type of business, resource or support organization on the website. 


Our main device audience is mobile device at 523

Second device audience is desktop computer at 275.


Url Performance from Google Search Engine Console for

The website has had 672 total web search clicks in April 2024 and we've had 31.6KK Impressions, "An impression means that a user has seen (or potentially seen) a link to your site in Search, Discover, or News. In general, an impression is counted whenever an item appears in the current page of results, whether or not the item is scrolled into view, as long as the user need not click to see more results." 

LGBTQ Friendly Business Directory

Promotes LGBTQ Businesses & those friendly to our community. We offer a directory of lgbtq businesses, support groups & resources.  

Email Beau for more info.

Business Partnerships and Sponsors 

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Email Beau for more information.