spiritual organizations of knoxville and surrounding areas
LGBTQ Friendly and Affirming Spiritual Organizations
Metropolitan Community Church We are a church that believes that God's grace transcends all boundaries of dogma, doctrine, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, ability, and all forms of prejudice and bigotry. (FOOD PANTRY Please call for a delivery). (865) 531-2539 7820 Redeemer Ln, Knoxville, TN @MCCKnoxville Email
Church of the Savior UCC, Knoxville The mission of Church of the Savior, is to be an inclusive Christian church where we share our spiritual journeys with one another and seek to manifest the unconditional love of God toward all people and all creation. (FOOD PANTRY Call church for emergency food delivery). 934 N Weisgarber Rd, Knoxville, TN (865) 584-7531 @COSUCC Email
Community of St. Ninian is a Christian covenant community. Members meet together for worship, prayer, study, and service. It is our desire to provide a space in our lives for God to dwell, as well as to seek a dwelling place for God in our lives. @communityofstninian Email
God's Remnant Ministries EVERYONE is welcome at The Remnant. Apostle Pam and Pastor June are called to the city of Knoxville to love you where you are and teach the ways of Jesus. Sunday Service 10:30am Wednesday 7pm at different parishners houses. (This Church is currently meeting at 5206 Village Crest Way Knoxville TN. Beau April 2022) (865) 740-7795 Email
Highest Praise Christian Church Welcoming you to praise and worship, Jesus Christ with us. He is worthy and deserves the highest praise! All are welcome, accepted as you are, and we are affirming. 4230 Washington Pike, Knoxville, TN 37917 (865) 310-1117 #highestpraisecc Email (FOOD PANTRY outside of the church. Take what you need or leave a donation.) Call church for more information.
Messiah Lutheran Church is a community of faith, part of the Christian tradition known as Lutheran (as in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America variety). This community of faith strives to bless and love the world. We love it when others join us in this effort. We love it so much that we welcome everyone to come along, inclusive of age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, family structure, political affiliation, physical or mental ability or disability, varied life and faith experience, as well as anyone who may have been told he or she does not belong. 6900 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 588-9753 @MessiahKnox Email
Powell Presbyterian Church We are a small church with a big heart for serving others in Powell and the greater Knoxville area. We follow Christ, love one another, and take the mission of going out into the world seriously. We rejoice in the fact that each and every one of us was wonderfully made in God’s own image, and we celebrate the rich diversity which makes God’s Creation so beautiful. We believe it is important to love as Jesus taught, and we really mean it when we say that all are welcome at Powell Presbyterian. (FOOD PANTRY blessings box in the front yard that is filled daily with good and hygiene items. No appointment necessary—just stop and take whatever is needed.) 2910 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849 (865) 938-8311 @PowellPresbyterian Email Pastor
Lighthouse Ministries At Lighthouse Ministries we offer Hope, Faith, and Love. We are a One God believing, with the mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We are non-denominational and affirming. We meet Sundays at 6pm. We are located inside the TN Valley Unitarian Universalist Church 2931 Kingston Pike Knoxville TN. For more information call 859-699-8106 or Email Pastor Blankenship
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church Our Mission is to create a welcoming community that nurtures spiritual growth and challenges us to transform the world through acts of love and justice. 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 523-4176 @tennesseeValleyUUC Email Church Secretary
Westside Unitarian Universalist Church Knoxville We strive to be a religious home to all people regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, opinions, beliefs, or abilities and to be good stewards of the earth. 616 Fretz Rd, Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 777-9882 @WestsideUUC Email for more information.
Tyson House Lutheran-Episcopal is a place of worship & exploration for all of God's children. You are created in the image of God, and we honor your life experiences as a child of God. Regardless of your sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, ability, religious background, ethnicity, nationality, race, & native language(s) you are cherished, respected, & affirmed.(FOOD PANTRY Smokey's Pantry) At the University of Tennessee 824 Melrose Pl #1 Knoxville TN (865) 637-2031 Email
In 1976, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church declared that “homosexual persons are children of God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church" (1976-A069) To our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender brothers, sisters and siblings: “The Episcopal Church welcomes you!”
The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan Grow in Faith. Live in Hope. Share God's Love. (FOOD PANTRY please call for an appointment.) 425 North Cedar Bluff Rd Knoxville TN (865) 693-9591 @GoodSamKnoxvilleTN Email
The Episcopal Church of the Ascension Rich in Liturgy ~ Diverse in Personality ~ United in Faith! 800 S. Northshore Drive Knoxville TN 37919 (865) 588-0589 @episcopalchurchoftheascension Email
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church Welcomes You! (FOOD PANTRY Fish Food Pantries West Knox FISH Pantry throughout the year to provide food to families in need. St. Elizabeth’s takes calls and delivers food. ) 110 Sugarwood Dr (865) 675-0450 @st.elizabethknoxville Email
St. John's Episcopal Cathedral Our Cathedral in downtown Knoxville is a majestic yet intimate place of worship. But St. John's is less about buildings and more about building your relationship with God. There’s Room For You at St. John's Cathedral. 413 W. Cumberland Ave. Knoxville, TN 37902 (865 )525.7347 @StJohnsKnox Email
St. Luke's Episcopal Knoxville A Big-Hearted Welcoming Family with a place for YOU! We seek to grow in faith and to follow Christ into the world as agents of change. (FOOD PANTRY FISH Hospitality Pantry Contact for Information) 600 S Chestnut (865) 522-4244 @stlukesknoxville Email
St. James Episcopal Church Knoxville St. James is committed to the mission of “feeding and tending God's sheep.” The Prophet Micah reminds us the central meaning of "feeding and tending" is wrapped up in the three-fold mandate to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. 1101 North Broadway NE Knoxville TN (865) 523-5687 @StJamesKnox
Pagan Pride of East Tennessee promotes religious diversity, works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination based on spiritual beliefs, and helps foster pride in pagan identity through education, activism, charity, and community. P.O. Box 52936 Knoxville, TN 37950-2936 (865) 309-4110 @PaganPrideOfEastTn Email
Foothills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship We are a growing congregation bringing diverse people together to connect with Love, Love one another, and Love the world. 1404 Tuckaleechee Pike, Maryville, TN 37803 (865) 282-3883 @FoothillsUnitarianUniversalistFellowship Email
St Andrews Episcopal Church We Welcome All To Live into the Body of Christ through Anglican worship, Christian formation, and Service. 314 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN 37801 865.983.3512 @StAndrewsMaryville Email
Reconciling churches, communities, campus ministries, and more can embrace RMN's vision for LGBTQ+ justice and full inclusion in The United Methodist Church.
Union Grove United Methodist Our purpose is to be living examples of God’s redeeming and transforming love for all creation as Union Grove United Methodist Church. 1151 Lane Dive, Friendsville, TN, United States, Tennessee (865) 924-8339 EMAIL
St. Paul Episcopal Church 1028 Boyd's Creek Hwy Seymour TN 37865 (865) 577-1255 @St-Paul-Episcopal-Church
Rocky Springs Presbyterian Church (I confirmed with a church elder that they are lgbtq accepting. ~Beau). They wrote, "We believe as a congregation we are called to love everyone and do so with a passion for community outreach and service. We have a small congregation, and currently have LGBTQ members. We focus greatly on community service, with emphasis on outreach to the homeless and low-income communities, We have members participating in Care Cuts Ministry and Laundry Love ." Sunday service at 10:30am. (FOOD PANTRY: Call or Message the church to arrange to pick up items) (Jan 2022 Masks required to protect elderly members) . (865) 387-3575 2656 Boyd's Creek Hwy Sevierville, TN 37804 Email
St. Joseph the Carpenter Episcopal Church Sunday service 9:30 am only. Outside of the church, canceled in inclement weather. Social distancing and face coverings are required. Bring you own lawn chair if you can. (865) 366-1335 @StJosephEpicopalSevierville Email
First United Methodist Church of Gatlinburg, TN, is known as "Host to the Nation” as we warmly welcome guests from all over the USA and beyond. Built of native stone, slate roof, and red oak. It is a work of mountain craftsmanship. When each stone was placed it is said that the Bishop told them "...that each stone be a song and each strip of mortar be a prayer." (Message from Pastor Barbara Clark "All are welcome to 742 Parkway Gatlinburg TN/ (865) 436-4691 Email
Gatlinburg Presbyterian Church (Confirmed with church that they are lgbtq accepting. They replied "God loves everyone" ~Beau) We are in the gateway city of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, we seek to be a church both for those living here and for the many visitors. 237 Reagan Drive, Gatlinburg TN 37738 (865) 436-5592
Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World. 809 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-6761 @Oak-Ridge-Unitarian-Universalist-Church-28194502487 Email www.oruuc.org
First Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge TN, Embodying Christ's inclusive love through heart, mind, and service. (This is the Church that has the Youth Pride Festival each year.) 1051 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN @FirstPresbyterianChurch Oak Ridge TN www.fpcor.org
Fairfield Glade Community Church We are a fully inclusive church family that is welcoming and friendly for all people; accepting diverse beliefs, experiences, and backgrounds; watching over and affirming one another; reaching out to those in need; and encouraging spiritual growth. Our Mission Statement: That All May Be One in Unconditional Love. We are the only completely accepting, fully supportive, friendly LGBTQ church in the county. 521 Snead Drive, Crossville, TN 38558. Phone number 931-484-7412 Email ffgcomchurch@ffgcomchurch.org
God's House We are a church that is serving the Lord in Cleveland, Tennessee. Growing in the love of Jesus Christ together while reaching out into the community to teach others about Him. (423) 790-0829 Email
St. Paul's Episcopal Church We are disciples of Jesus Christ, serving, nourishing, and loving all God’s people. 123 S. Jackson St Athens, TN (423) 745-2224 Email
The Rock MCC is a church that is committed to the radically inclusive love of Jesus Christ. Our church is an All Welcoming, Open, Loving, Joyful, Christ-like, & All Affirming Congregation. (423) 629-2737 1601 Foust St, Chattanooga, TN
BelovedArise is a movement to fight for the lives of queer youth of faith. We build relationships, offer support, and inspire youth to embrace life to the fullest.
Embracing the Journey Resources for Christian parents of LGBTQ+ children: We are dedicated to building bridges between LGBTQ individuals, their families and the Church, even when they seem at odds with each other.
freedom2b assists LGBTI people from Christian backgrounds on their journey to reconciling their faith, sexuality and gender identity.
FreedHearts Changing the human conversation on love and inclusion. Freeing hearts to love and be loved. FreedHearts reaches into hurting communities with a message of love, inclusion, belonging, and hope —for parents, LGBTQ, educators, therapists, for the church. Email
Harbor Here An Online Support Program for Christian Parents of LGBT Kids. It's designed to surround parents with the knowledge, resources, and support they need.