Family Support


Family support groups

PFLAG Oakridge TN is the extended family of the LGBTQ+ community. We're made up of LGBTQ+ individuals, family members and allies. 865-556-3099  Email

Knox Parents of Trans and Nonbinary Youth Group A support and psychoeducational group offered by the UT Psychological Clinic for parents of youth (K-12th grade) who identify as Transgender and Nonbinary  (865) 974-2161 UT Psychological Clinic Website Email

Families Together Academy The Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) is proud to announce the kick-off of our Families Together Academy. The FTA will provide free education to empower families to thrive. We welcome all families and individuals to come together to learn in a relaxed, informal setting. Class topics will include Financial Stabilization, Cooking, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution, How to Save Energy, Parenting, Building Healthy Relationships, Opioid Education, Managing Holiday Stress, Job Preparation, Resume Building, etc. Partnering community banks will also provide classes such as Second Chance Banking, Home Ownership, Credit Counseling and Predatory Lending. Classes will be held throughout the year both at our main location at the Ross Building as well as our Neighborhood Centers. Refreshments and opportunities to win door prizes will be provided. (In speaking to the organizer of this program she assured me it is lgbtq accepting. -Beau ) Email Susan to sign up for classes or to request a specific class. 

Parenting with Pride

Support Group for the Parents of Trans/ Nonbinary Youth:  Wednesdays at 7pm Sessions conducted via Zoom $10 a week; Accommodations available for the those in need. The UT Psychological Clinic is the training clinic for Department of Psychology's applied doctoral programs. It provides low-cost testing and therapy services to the Knoxville and surrounding communities. (865) 974-2161   Contact Will or Erin EMAIL


Grand Vision

Grandparents as Parents Program. Grand Vision is a weekly support group for the grandparents or other caregiver's raising a family member's child. Facilitated by Graduate Student Clinicians in the clinical Psychology program at the University of Tennessee

(865) 974-2161  Contact Email McKenzie Martin 


TOGETHER ESTRANGED Supporting and empowering those estranged from family while enhancing social understanding for the de-stigmatization of estrangement. What is family estrangement? It's the breakdown of a relationship with a family member due to abuse, non-acceptance of LGBTQ+ or neglect. Email

Strong Family Alliance is an organization with a simple mission - to save lives and preserve families by supporting parents of children coming out. National Parents Coming Out Day is October 12, a day when parents can "come out" in support of their out kids  @sfamilyalliance 

Mama Bears Real Mama Bears Supporting, Educating, Empowering Moms of LGBTQ Kids and the LGBTQ Community Email Real Mama Bears @RealMamaBears

Serendipitydodah is committed to making the world a kinder, safer, more loving place for all lgbtq+ Email Liz SUPPORT Liz Dyer Creating groups, projects, resources & sites for Moms of LGBTQ kids

TikTok Stand In Families We’re here to connect members of the LGBTQ+ community with stand in families for weddings and any other life events. 

Embracing the Journey  Resources for Christian parents of LGBTQ+ children:  We are dedicated to building bridges between LGBTQ individuals, their families and the Church, even when they seem at odds with each other.  

FreedHearts Changing the human conversation on love and inclusion. Freeing hearts to love and be loved. FreedHearts reaches into hurting communities with a message of love, inclusion, belonging, and hope —for parents, LGBTQ, educators, therapists, for the church. Email

Harbor Here An Online Support Program for Christian Parents of LGBT Kids. It's designed to surround parents with the knowledge, resources, and support they need.

Business Partnerships and Sponsors 

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Email Beau for more information.